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Fundamentals book - Laruche


MY book about fundamentals or a beginners journey to rope. 

If you have taken my class or want to support the studio the social financing for my book launch is now up! 

Have at it on the Laruchequebec website! 



Project description

Fundamentals a book brimming with safe(r) practices "a path" or my path...

To start exploring the world of rope otherwise known as the art of Shibari or Kinbaku; this enigmatic art is perfect for thrill seekers, spicing up a relationship or those just curious to have a weekend out of the ordinary and potentially grow together emotionally.

I have a particular approach to teaching how these components work as building blocks to explore creatively; while keeping some safe(r) physical and emotional concepts in mind in order to avoid injury. A broad precursor, opening your eyes to other teachings you must seek out.

Or to continue with me =^-^=

What inspired this project

I began my rope journey in 2014 when I fell into the kink world head first through a Mistress. I love to awe, inspire and continue to develop in the ever evolving world of shibari. I was a technical trainer and director in the past which lead my into this position as an educator of safe(r) practices in BDSM.

This has been a passion project for years and started as instructor training material which transformed into a student supplement. I'm hoping to make this easily available in PDF format, bringing accessibility to those who have trouble finding such information. This project is to fund the translation, editing and production of the first edition

What will the funding be used for?

Tentative chronology:

  • Shopping for manufacturer
  • Professionals for validation
  • Editing Page review
  • Send out English PDF - MARCH 28th
  • Translation Send out French PDF - APRIL
  • Manufacturing Shipping June / July
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