(Mondays and Saturdays*)
In fundamentals, we take every student from knowing nothing about Shibari to having basic knowledge, and the ability to play and enjoy rope. After just one class, the students will know enough to tie basic patterns and explore Shibari on their own.
This class is geared as a pre-cursor to any of your rope journeys; ideal for newbies and those curious about bondage. Whether alone or with a partner, this class is for you. Fun, engaging & instructional this class will bring you the knowledge you need to start practicing your basics, knowledge on consent and the ability to more safely apply rope to yourself or a partner.
In this class you will learn: Boola Boola - Single Column, Safety considerations, Futo-Momo consisting of; X-friction, Double Half-Moon, Kanuki, Larks head, Applying what you have learned in other contexts, a discourse on consent & negotiation.
The price is per person and can be taken with or without a partner.
We will learn to tie a futomomo on ourselves in this class so everyone is tying and engaged! Two inscriptions are necessary.
You cannot be late to this class; There is too much information to cover and once we have started the class it is too disruptive to interrupt. Please arrive at least 15min minutes early, 30min if you have a tendency of being late. If you are late you will not be admitted to class; please be respectful of your fellow students and my time.
What you will need
- One 8m-10m / 5-6mm rope per person, we have a preference for natural rope ideally Jute or Hemp however for your first class you can bring whatever you have that fits that description. If you do not have rope you can purchase one in the shop, we currently have two grades of jute.
- Comfortable clothes, think yoga, nothing too loose or slippery. (Jeans are not recommended)
- Notebooks are not necessary (for this class), you will get homework and all the important information detailed for you by email after class.
You can sign up for the class on the calendar below.
Private Fundamentals
If you are unable to attend the scheduled group classes for one reason or another this class is available in a private dedicated 3H class where you have all the attention.
These privates are 250$ for 2 people.
At the end of the class you will be provided a helpful handout including a lexicon and reminder images to help you practice at home.
This video, Fundamentals revision ,was also made to help you recreate the hands on portion of the class.
More questions? Read our F.A.Q.